Thursday, November 18, 2010

I've got this sister...

Let's call her Rachey-Pooh...

This sister of mine is pretty amazing.... There's really so much I could tell you about Rach... she's gorgeous... she's witty... she's stinkin' funny... ridiculously hip... she's gracious and kind... she has one of the most compassionate hearts I've ever seen... She's one of the smartest people I know... she has a voice that puts Whitney Houston to shame...she's creative and scientific... she's travelled the world and lived abroad... she's bold... she's wise... she's a LOT of really good, incredible and amazing things...

but... the thing I want to tell you about Rachey-Pooh... is this...

i. am. thankful. for her.

Rachey Pooh is my person.

She is my every year- all through the year- Thanksgiving blessing.

Rach gets me like no one else does... she encourages me when I need it and smacks me upside the head when it's necessary...

She is my Rachey-Pooh...

and I am thankful for her.
a verdi verdi ver...

1 comment:

Linsey said...

sweet words! you do have an amazing could someone not love that girl!