Monday, January 31, 2011

The weekend in review... or how I perfected the art of doing nothing....

This weekend was all about doing nothing... if you'll remember... last weekend was insanely busy... so the Hubs and I decided to take it easy and do only what was necessary...

We kicked it all off with date night... *side note*... growing up my parents always had a weekly date night... They're relationship is one that the Hubs and I definitely aspire to... and I loved how even with 9 kids they still take the time to date each other... The Hubs and I have made a commitment to stay consistent with our date nights... yeah... we know that kids will come into the picture and obligations will arise... but we're going to try our hardest to keep date night alive...
how cute are the rents back in the day?
 That said... this weekend was no different.... we dated it up... which entailed a quiet night at home with a movie rental and pizza... just us... cuz we're fancy like that... yeah.... I never said date night was extravagant...

The rest of the weekend was pretty chill... I've been getting over being sick, so we kept it really low key... some homework... crocheting (remember this...)... and working on stuff for the shop! Get ready... new and fabulous designs coming your way soon!
ettagrace fabulous-ness!

We finished up the weekend with "sunday night" dinner... this dinner started over 3 years ago with some of the closest friends... it's grown a little bit adding the Hubs and boyfriends here and there.. but the core group remains the same... sigh...such a blessing to have friends that are like family...
the original gang on one of the first sunday night dinners...
How was your weekend lovelies?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Look at us... so long ago. Sigh. I love it!