Monday, February 28, 2011

The Weekend in Review... highlights...

*We "date night"-ed it up! We went old school classic with a little dinner/movie combo and watched Liam Neesan be a tough guy.
*We saluted welcomed home this new 2Lt. military chaplain... we. are. so. proud. and... so in love with this fam's little munchkin! The cuteness... death of me!
*the Hubs and I snuck candy into a late late late night movie that we bought at the dollar store... because the prices at the theater are re-dic-u-lous.... for realz!
* We studied... an insane amount... like... it's-amazing-my-head-hasn't-popped-off-my-neck-from-all-the-pressure-and-ridiculously-long-hours-with-my-nose-in-a-book insane amount!
*I wore inappropriate shoes... The Hubs thinks I'm ridiculous... but I can't help it... leopard print ballet flats and snow... no matter how bad the mixture still make my toes too cute... it's a sacrifice a girl's gotta make... am I riiiiiiiight!??!?!?!
*We napped... Twice. What!?!?!?!? And... when we weren't napping... We had impromptu dance parties on the bed.... or rather... I did... while the Hubs looked on shaking his head...
*We Oscar partied it up in the most formal way possible... or not really... pizza and soda pop goes well with red carpets if I do say so myself!

and how was your weekend lovelies?


June said...

You should've done P-murphs :(

QandE said...

Agh! I wish... we don't have one here.... meh.