Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Tutorial... Knotted Throw Pillows

Laura (sister-in-law) passed along a great tutorial regarding how to make a gorgeous duvet. I pared it down A LOT to cover a couple of ugly old throw pillows instead!

Total cost: .94 cents.
Total time: 28 minutes.


Where did the third pillow go?
Ran out of time, two in one hour though...not bad!

-old shirt (I used cotton tank and an old bed sheet)
-throw pillow
-needle and thread

1. Cut 2 fabric squares about 2-3 inches larger than your pillow (please excuse the blurriness of the photo...I obviously need to work on my focusing skills)

2. Center a 6 inch plate in the center of one square and trace around

 3. Stitch inside the perimeter of circle. LOOOONG stitches.

4. Pull thread taut. Don't remove your needle or tie off your thread yet.

5.Poke down poof through the top center until the point was back down through the pulled-taut circle of thread.

6.Twist knot until you've achieved maximal aesthetic satisfaction.
 Sew knot in place by stitch a couple of times.

7.Flip inside out and stitch front and back piece.

8. Insert pillow, fold seams inward and stitch down.

9. Gaze upon your your chic little knotted pillows with a swollen sense of pride, and think to yourself, " did that".

1 comment:

megg.willowhouse said...

love this. if i beg and grovel will you send me the duvet tutorial? i've been just dyyyying for a new duvet and i positively can't afford the one i'm in love with at west elm. and i've been feeling very crafty/handy lately. so duvet tutorial? yes? please :)))