Monday, January 10, 2011

The Weekend in Review....

Entering into the New Year... the Hubs and I have been trying to keep our schedule as free as possible... Last year it seemed as though every single weekend we had insane amounts of places to be and people to see... it was fun... don't get me wrong... LOADS of fun... but we were exhausted!

This year... we're keepin' the schedule as empty as possible... we're committed to enjoying a "slower" life if you will... And so far... one weekend in... we've been fairly successful! Wahoo! Go Tungs go!

So... Friday was date night.... ate yummy goodness at Red Robin... (l.o.v.e that place)! And saw Country Strong with Gweneth... sad movie... good story... fabulous night... love me some quality Hubs time...

 Saturday was a really relaxing day... the Hubs and I bummed around the house in the morning and then headed out to the burbs to get out of the city madness for a bit... came home later that night and put in one of the best worst movies ever... Rachey Poo... you know what I mean... Stomp the Yard 2.... ba-rooooooooo-tal! Longest 2 hours of my life... for realz.

the tag line at the bottom of this pic is slightly mis-leading... just sayin'...
Sunday was the busiest day of the weekend... but oh so nice! It started with church... sigh...I love my church! Then met up with my girls afterward for manis and pedis and a stop at our favorite mexican restaurant... love love love!
a pic of me and my beautiful girls in Mexico....
Then headed home to chillax for a bit until that evening when we had some close friends over to celebrate the beautiful Elz a Bells and charming Matty... Happy Birthday you guys! Love you mucho mucho!

So... the weekend? It was good... and how was yours?

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