Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tie-Dyesaster: Clothes Stealers

Yeah, so this weeks clothes stealers was supposed to be tie-dye themed in 
honor of our mom's totally cool shop on etsy (check it out here).
Unfortunately my camera battery died and so I have no photos of me wearing a charcoal grey felt floppy hat, orange and blue dyed slip dress, and shoes of some sort. I really tried on these photos too...I took them in the woods! In light that was bright enough to not have to go in later and edit the exposure waaaaay up to make it look like I didn't take these photos at 12:30 in the AM only to end up with granular photos (and not in a good way) from my poor editing! And I posed! 
It's like, whatever dude.
I don't care about cameras anyway.
So to not leave you hanging I wanted to gift to you a little tie-dye inspiration.

Talk about some pretty chic granola!

Grab a button and link up with your tie-dye and stay tuned for a tutorial on the best "fake tie dye" ever. I know... we keep you guessing around here... fake tie dye?

I die for tie dye-

p.s. Since Rachel's vegan and all now, she thinks Hannah needs to try being vegetarian. Just for a month. Great idea right? C'mon Hannah! Do
but seriously please do it.

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